Like a duck on the water…

In the last few weeks you may be wondering why you have not received as many messages from me as you used to.

Here’s why …

Have you ever seen a duck swimming on the water? It looks calm and relaxed on top of the water, but underneath it’s legs are paddling at a hundred miles an hour. That’s what its been like for me.

I have been inundated with so many opportunities and directions to grow my business in. And so many of them looked good. That was the problem. And being an entrepreneur at heart, I wanted to jump on them all. Seemed like all I heard myself saying was “c’mon Chris, it won’t take that much time, you can do this one…”

And low and behold, I found myself doing too much and stretched too thin. Sometimes you have to do that, other times you don’t. This is one of those times that I didn’t.

Feeling stressed, I pulled back and analyzed what I was doing and compared that to my vision. Part of my vision is to equip entrepreneurs and small business owners with the tools they need to succeed and encourage them to use them. And God willing, I hope to be able to positively impact a bunch of people.

So I pared back on what I was doing and took on less projects so I could go after my goals with focus and determination. That’s the same way I was able to do my Ironman before, with focus and determination and I believe that’s the only way to be successful today, especially if you do anything online.

So, thank you to all of you that asked me about my posts and rest assured that you will receive them regularly. I gotta warn you though, I’ve got a lot more focused programs I’ve developed and tested that I will be launching ALL WITH THE INTENT OF HELPING YOU CONFIDENTLY GROW YOU BUSINESS!

Ok, now back to the brief message from Seth Godin. It’s a real short post and I do hope you take the 2-3 minutes it takes to read this. Click Here to Learn “The Simple Two-Step Process”


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