“The One Thing That Will Separate You From Your Competition and Allow You to Collect All the Leads You Want with LESS Stress and Strain”

Just about anybody can figure out how to put up a website and drive traffic to it. But there’s genius in Creating Customers for Life.

And, while there’s a terrific sugar rush from getting lots of traffic to your site and making an occasional sale, WEALTH is most certain by developing CUSTOMERS FOR LIFE.

So if you want wealth, and if wealth comes from developing customers for life, what kind of customers do you want?

(Note: This is the secret I used this when I took a company from $6.8 million to $15.2 million)

Here’s where it starts….

identify your ideal prospect and clients.

You have heard the 80/20 rule, or the Pareto Principle. Where 80% of your profits come from 20% of your clients.

Taking this one level deeper… 80% of THOSE profits come from 20% of THOSE clients. If you do the math it comes out to 64% (80% x 80%) of the profits come from 4% (20% x 20%) of the clients.

To make it easier, the rounded math works well. Meaning…

50% of your profits will come from 5% of your clients!

The key to winning online is to determine who the 5% clients are. So instead of going after everyone, wouldn’t it be wiser to focus on the ones that will bring you the most profit?

I know you’re probably concerned about losing clients if you don’t try to get everybody in, but think about it, do you really want to work with everybody? Do you want to spend your time selling to tire kickers or ones that will buy easier, more often and are willing to pay more?

Here’s a secret bonus with this approach: Since the 5% are usually industry leaders, the others usually follow what they do as well. So by making everything more appealing to this 5% group, you will capture more business overall. It’s a “counter-intuitive” bonus.

For every business, these “5% clients” are the best clients to work with. They pay more, are easier to work with and appreciate what you do for them. Think about your business, who are the best clients you have? Three or four names should immediately come to mind. Aren’t these the ones you have the best business relationship with? Aren’t they the easiest to work with? Given you referrals over the years?

Picture a dart board or an archery target. There is a bulls-eye and the rings around it. Your ideal client represents your bulls-eye client.

On the dart board, here is how I define the rings:

Bulls-eye – these are your ideal clients, they love everything you do and will make up reasons to buy from you. – 50% of your profits come from these

1st Ring – 80% of your profits come from 20% of your clients. These are the 20%’ers. They are highly attracted to you and want to work with you.

2nd Ring – they like you, are attracted to you at some level and are drawn to inquire more

3rd Ring – they agree with some things you say and disagree on others. You are of enough interest to them that they may hang around for a while and might contact you

Beyond the 3rd Ring on a dart board doesn’t score you any points. Same story here. Don’t invest time with these.

We start by analyzing who your Dead-centre Bulls-eye Prospect and Clients are. This is what everything we do revolves around.

Critically Important Point: In face-to-face sales we have the ability to maneuver at will. On the internet, your sales person – which is your website – is static. The words can’t change depending on who is looking at it. So everything must be presented to this one person, your ideal prospect and client.

Get it?!

Three Vital Points to Know About
the BEST Customers in Your Market:

1. They have HUGE B.S. detectors!
People buy for emotional reasons and use logic to support their purchase. The best customer, your bulls-eye customer, has a problem that they want to get rid of now. They want to know that you understand their problem and can relate to their pain. They have probably been burned in the past and have distrust for anyone that comes across with a generic solution to their situation. You must touch on the exact emotional hot buttons they have. They want to avoid the “used car salesman”. Think about a hobby or interest you are passionate about, when you are shopping around, do you want to talk a salesperson who is clueless or somebody that really knows their stuff?

2. You Must Demonstrate That You Have Real Points of Difference
People are so busy being successful that they want to establish relationships with people that they can trust will provide distinct advantages that they can’t find anywhere else. They are already educated in what you are selling, so you must demonstrate that you have real points of difference vs. every other competitor out there. And you must give them enough proof that you know what you are talking about to give them confidence that you can make their problem go away.

3. You Must Use Their Language
They have a certain buying vocabulary that they use. You must talk their language. Every market has it. My wife homeschools our kids and has a distinct language she uses when talking to her friends about curriculum and what products to buy. She buys lots of information and products from 1 or 2 companies that talk her specific language because she trusts that they are there to help her in her journey. If I want to sound intelligent when we get together with her friends, I must use the same language they use. Affluent clients of mine speak much differently than entrepreneurs just starting off. The key is to find their language and use it.

Knowing your dead center bulls-eye best prospect and client is a HUGE market differentiator.

Tomorrow’s installment is called:

“Unlocking the Secrets to Getting Targeted Traffic to Your Website”
