The Real Meaning of Christmas – A Completely Different Take

Christmas is here. Trees are up. Presents underneath. Stockings hung by the fireplace. Joy fills the air as family and friends gather.

And sure you know that Christmas is the season we celebrate the birth of Christ. We all know the story of how there was no room at the Inn, He was born in a manger and the 3 Wise Men followed a star and brought him gifts.

… that’s all  good and true

… but I bet you have never thought about it in this perspective.

Watch this video now. It will open your eyes and put things in perspective. (it’s not even a religious video, it’s a little over 4 minutes and will amaze you)

Ok, how does this relate to Christmas?

After watching this video, you have to admit we are pretty small in the grand scheme of things. And there is something much bigger than us.

The Bible says that God holds the universe in the “span of His hand”. That’s a pretty big God. And yet, the bible says that He knows you and me intimately, He knows our every thought, He knew us before we were formed in the womb and He knows all the hairs on our head. Very Big, and yet very intimate.

He holds the universe in the span of His hand – He is big and powerful beyond imagination and yet He chose to come down in the form of a little baby because He wanted to give us peace.

Think about that. Dwell on that thought for a while. Hopefully it will impact you as it has me. My biggest problems seem petty and are brought in the right perspective.

I don’t know your situation, but odds are you’re facing something.

Know that there is something bigger than you can ever imagine working in your life. And trust that whatever is happening is for a higher purpose. You don’t have to understand, just trust. (so hard to do)

I don’t know if this brings comfort or not, hopefully it does, and hopefully it will put things in perspective.

Wishing you and your family a Very Merry Christmas filled with much peace, love, joy and grace.


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