Hey all you adrenaline junkies!!

Check this video out… if you’re into outdoors, endurance or just plain inspiration, check this out…

The First Step To Creating A Breakthrough At Will

See I do clean up eh?!! I showered and even shaved for this video.

Serious, if you want to create a breakthrough at will. Where you can transform the direction of your life in an instant, then this is where you start. Watch the video to discover how.

I’d love to hear your comments. Post them below.

Be Great eh!

P.S. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I posted a Thanksgiving blog too. You can click on the blog posts to see it. Short, simple and heartfilled.

My Shocking Realization – And What It Means To You!

I’d love to hear your comments. Post them below.

Be Great eh!

Want to Eliminate Cluster and Confusion and Ignite Your Fire and Passion at Will?

I got many emails back from last week’s article about regaining control of your life by regaining control of your thoughts. Thank you. I love the feedback. Some of the emails stopped me in my tracks and were very humbling. Reading those I couldn’t help but wonder that there is something greater at work here.

Originally I was going to go off in a different direction this week and instead of that, I’m choosing to go with the ebb and flow. That by the way is something I am working on getting better at. Being very focused and determined I can tend to ignore that and drive through a situation when there is sometimes a better route to take.

I have to watch myself here. And one of the ways to do this is to book some alone time. Some time to just sit idle with my thoughts and roll an idea around in my mind for a while. I particularly like to go into the hills around the coast. I have a special spot in Crystal Cove that requires a strenuous 2 mile uphill run to get to.

The place is amazing. I sit on a rock high up in the hills and stare at the ocean for hours. I watch the white wash churn onto the beach. I can hear the sound of distant waves crashing. My mind settles down and I talk with myself and with God. I feel at peace.

Well, kinda…

At first I sit there and freak myself out whenever I hear rustling in the bushes thinking it is a mountain lion coming to get me.  :)

I chuckle to myself as I watch some puny little bird go hop, hop, hop out of the bushes. Some mountain lion eh?!!

After I freak myself out and laugh about it, I settle in. I like to go for several hours as sometimes it takes a while for my mind to be still. For the constant noise to go away. My mind is originally like a body of water churned by an unseen storm, where if I was in it I would be struggling for a life giving gasp of air.

Kinda like a lot of people’s lives.

Many people are going through this turbulent times just trying to gasp for air. To catch a life saving breath before another wave comes and beats them down. This becomes a question of how long can you hang on for? Not a good situation to be in.

So after a while of sitting still, my mind settles down to one of a peaceful calm body of water. There is a stillness in the air. Where the water’s surface is smooth as glass. Where it invites you to come and soak in it’s splendor. Picture lazily floating on your back, smiling as you take the occasional stroke. Feeling the cool water surrounding and holding your body while the warm sun gently caresses you. You feel at peace.


That is the state I like to get in. Where my mind is free to wander. Where I can hear God’s quiet still voice talking to me.

This is where things become clear. Where my inspiration comes from. Where my confidence is restored. Where wounds are healed. Where excitement and fervor begin to course through my veins in a raising crescendo that climaxes like warhorses thundering across a battlefield. This is where my course is set and my gaze is focused. This is where I get up and boldly and aggressively move forward.

This is where answers to the hard questions come from.

I hope you have a place like this.

I try to visit mine monthly, although I have been remiss and inconsistent the last several months. Believing the lie that “I’m too busy to get away”. Don’t ever believe that. In these turbulent times, carving out time to think is essential to your survival.

And when you carve out your moment to think, here are 2 powerful questions to ask yourself…

  1. Do you like the life you have designed for yourself?
  2. If your answer is no, then ask yourself… why don’t you ignore the crap and what you don’t have, and design a life you’d love to own?

Your greatness lies in the questions you ask.

Get alone and ask yourself great questions. Having a great life lay in the balance. You deserve to be wild and free, to charge after your God given purpose with all the vim and vigor you can muster.

Do it.

Do it now.

“He who asks questions cannot avoid the answers” ~ Cameroon Proverb

And yes, I’d love to hear your comments. Post them below.

Be Great eh!

A Special Poem To All The Veterans… thank you.

I am from Canada. And in Canada, November 11th is Remembrance Day. Here in the U.S. it is called Veteran’s Day.

I remember in grade school, every November 11th we had a ceremony to honour veterans. And the highlight of the ceremony was a poem called “In Flander’s Field”. The poem was read followed by a minute of silence. It’s a tradition that I was very fond of and continued even today. I realize that not many people have heard of this poem, so in special honour and gratitude for everyone who has served to allow us to enjoy the freedoms we too often take for granted, I have posted the poem below.

Take the time to read it and when you see a Veteran, stop and thank them for their service.

In Flanders Fields

By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Take Back Immediate Control Of Your Business And Life – Part II


I am feeling some kind of fire in my belly today!

I’ve got something burning inside of me…. and no it’s not the nachos I ate either. :)

My friend Ken said that silence is the source of strength. So true. After we ate Mexican, he was silent but deadly.

Ok, I’m also feeling quite playful and punchy today. Come to think of it, that is how I feel most days. It’s sooooo much better feeling like this than depressed, anxious, confused, frustrated or ready to go kick the tar out of someone or something.

I used to be cranky most days. Yes, I have always believed in a positive, optimistic outlook in life but I had a problem for the longest time (just one problem you say??!!)… I had many problems. Broke. Desparate. Depressed. Controlling. Irritated. Feeling like I had no control over my life.

All the problems I had could be traced back to one thing…


Yup. I was the problem. And more specifically, my thoughts were the problem. For the longest time I fought the constant battle of trying to maintain an outwardly optimistic apprearance while inside I was struggling with a critical mind and spirit.

Maybe you can relate. Heck, maybe you have battled the same thing too.

It’s a tough battle. And one you are destined to lose if you do not fight it on the right front.

What do I mean by that? … well, most people just try to force things harder. To work harder, or act more positively when on the inside they are a mess! We try to make the changes we desparately desire by trying to change our external situation or environment. And while this is important to have, it’s not the most important thing.

The Most Important Environment to Change Is the One Inside Your Head

Have you ever listened to the crap that goes on in there? I mean, really, there is a lot of crap in there isn’t there??

So instead of starting with our external situation, the place to start is on the inside. I remember reading a book a long time ago called “Success Is An Inside Job”. The only thing I remembered about the book is the title. That alone was worth the price I paid for the book.

John Maxwell in his brilliant book titled “Thinking For A Change” said the steps to take to make changes in your life should be done in this order…

  1. Change your thinking changes your beliefs
  2. Changing your beliefs changes your expectations
  3. Changing your expectations changes your Attitude
  4. Changing your attitude changes your behaviour
  5. Changing your behaviour changes your performance
  6. Changing your performance changes your life

When you do it this way, in this order, you have lasting permanent positive change. When you do it as I did for so long, by starting with changing your performance, you will have short term successes followed by failure in a never ending, energy draining depressing cycle.

Break your cycles starting today. Starting right now!

Start by changing your thinking.

The bible says to take every thought captive. Do not put up with telling yourself you are not great. No, replace those thoughts of what you want.

And how do you do that???

Easy… last week I had you make a list of the things you will no longer tolerate in your life. All the things, all the crap you are done with… whether it’s living in financial poverty, or living in time poverty – as in never having time for yourself or your family and kids – whatever all the things that wind you up so tightly, write down all the things you are done with. If you need to, go back and read the post from last week. And do it!!!

Now use the leverage of getting pissed off and no longer tolerating all the things you don’t want. Use it and create a 2nd list.

Write down all the things you do want in life. All the things you want. Get passionate about this stuff. It’s your life, isn’t it worth it.

…. I’m listening to Bruce Springsteen “Badlands” as I’m writing this… man, music is a powerful source of inspiration and a great tool to get pumped into action…

Go ahead write it down…

  • I want more time off to spend with my family
  • I want to keep my existing income and cut my work week down to 3-4 days/week
  • I want to make $_________
  • I want to live ________

Get clear and specific about what you want. The clearer and more specific the picture the better it will be for you. The clearer it is, the more that picture will materialize in your life.

When it comes to change, it is never easy, it requires hard focused work. So it is vital to remember:

  1. Change is personal – I need to change
  2. Change is possible – I’m able to change
  3. Change is profitable – I’ll be rewarded by change

When it comes to thinking, here’s a good thing to remember “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Phillipians 4:8.

Now To Lighten Things Up a Little

Here’s a fun video about venturing into unknown territory. It features a fellow Canuck (Canadian), Rick Hansen who had previously wheelchaired around the world, now you would not believe what he is up to now…


I’d love to hear your comments. Post them below.

Be great eh!


Take Back Immediate Control of Your Business And Your Life!

Was at a Men’s Retreat last weekend. Boy what a great weekend. I had been running so hard going into the weekend and by the time I got there I felt like I was limping. It was a much needed time off. When I was there it occurred to me how tightly I was wound up.

It hit me when I got there and could not settle down. I felt very fidgety at first and then felt a sense of peace slowly sweeping over me like a gentle comforting breeze on a cool night. After I felt a sense of sanity and calmness return to me, I enjoyed having nothing to do.

There was no cell phone. No internet. No email. No nothing.

Just me, the wild and a bunch of men hungry to deepen their relationships with God. It’s good to get off to Retreats and unplug. Also, I enjoy reconnecting with God and seeing the struggles that other men face and the strength of men and dependence on others and God to get them through the challenges and storms of life.

I wish life was just full of happy-happy joy-joy. I get so many emails from guru’s that promise instant health, wealth and happiness. While I would love to buy into that, I have rarely (never) met anyone who has had that all the time.

While we all have our struggles, I do believe in having a joyful spirit and a powerful and positive outlook and attitude.

A funny example of that was a couple of nights ago when we were making a birthday cake for my 2 year old daughter Reese. We had a great plan in place. We were going to bake the cake, cut it into the shape of a bunny, frost it and eat it. Timing was critical as the goal was to have cake in kids mouths by 7:30pm to allow time for the sugar to burn off and get the kids into bed at a reasonable time.

So how did it turn out? …

Here’s a picture of the cake:

Looks Like a Bunny Doesn't It?!!

Looks Like a Bunny Doesn't It?!!

Pretty funny eh?!!!

And not only that but it was ready to eat by 9 pm!!

I know you are guessing it took so long because of all the precision cutting and intricate detail in putting it together. But that was not the case. Neither was it that Ace of Cakes was knocking down our door to put this on their next show.

Here’s what happened… when the cake went into the oven, my wife accidently turned the oven off. So it took 1 hour and 15 minutes to bake the cake. Then when we were cooling it, someone pounded on the cake pan causing one of the cakes to disintegrate. I was getting really mad at this point because I JUST WANTED THE CAKE TO BE PERFECT!!!! AUGHHHH!!!!!!!

And that’s kind of how this year has turned out for many business owners.

They started off with great plans and then something happened. Or lots of stuff happened. And rather than having a beautifully baked cake that would make the neighbours jealous, well, they wound up with the bunny cake.

Maybe that happened to you. If it did, take heart, you are not alone.

So what do you do about it?

Laugh. (………..or maybe yell first, then laugh!!)

After you do this, next step is to get out a fresh pen and paper and start writing your goals to finish the quarter off this year and start planning for next year. Yes, I have started planning out 2010 and I hope you have started to.

And if you are not where you want to be and if you want to take back control of you life, here’s what to do…

Take out a fresh sheet of paper and a pen. You always think more clearly on paper.

Now write down all the things you will no longer tolerate in your life. Write them down now…

For example I will no longer tolerate:

  • living below my potential
  • hesitating or pulling back when I should be acting boldly and courageously
  • being closed minded
  • settling for things and a lifestyle below what I deserve
  • not taking more time off
  • hesitating or acting small

Fill your own list out. Get them all out. Now is the time to dump the junk in your brain.

Go ahead, get passionate. Get pissed off.

Write all the things you are done with and put it down on paper and get rid of it once and for all.

That is the first step.

I will be back next week with what to do next.

Your homework assignment is to complete your list and review it to make sure you are sincere and serious about what you wrote down. When you write it down, you will feel a sense of power returning to you as you become clear on what you will no longer tolerate. What is no longer acceptable in your life.

Until next week…

Be great eh!!!


P.S. Oh! By the way, my 2 year old Reesey loved the cake. She loved the bunny. Too funny eh?!! :)

Why Are You Doing What You Are Doing?

How To Fix a Relationship That’s On Its Last Leg

Put this into play and turn that situation around. Hey, it’s never easy to fix a sticky situation, this method will simply make it easier.

I’d love to hear your thought on this video. Please post a comment below.

I know this is a heavy topic, and so to lighten things up a little… If you apply the contents of this video to your relationship with a spouse, then it could most likely lead to “Business Time”. Click here to see what I mean… Click Here Eh!

Now go and apply what you learned in this video!

Be great eh!

The 3 Ways To Get More Business (and what NOT to do to piss off your customers)

Here’s a funny video.

…disclaimer to appease my legal department: this video does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Chris Goegan and Co. It is intended purely as a way to break up the monotony of your day and to show you some new dance moves.

As a small business owner, this will probably strike a chord with you.

Click here to watch it.