Is This For You?

In 2 Years You Can Own Your Niche

“Over the Next 3 Months Let’s Build Your Marketing in a Very Simplified Way to Get You All the Prospects You Need”

 With Our “Engineered Marketing” Approach, You Can Very Systematically Own Your Niche, Hire More Talent, and Have More Meaning and Impact in the World . . . and In the Process, Make a Boatload of Money!!

Warning: almost everything you’ve previously learned about HOW to market is dead wrong

From Chris Goegan
Thursday 5:22pm

Dear Friend,

Let’s face it, marketing used to be simpler. We could send a direct mail piece, or pick up the phone, or run a simple ad and we’d get calls, leads and sales. No problem.

Today, we are bombarded with “hot” new marketing methods almost daily. Facebook, Social Media, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Adwords, Google display network, remarketing, Linkedin, SEO, podcasting, books, ebooks, and on and on.

There’s almost no end to it.

They all promise instant riches and instant success. Get all the leads you need in 90 days or 90 seconds. Make a million in 30 nanoseconds or less or you’re a loser.

Yeah right.

How have these worked for you?

Everyone and their brother is pitching the latest internet thing.

Does any of this sound familiar?

. . . Get more leads

. . . Get more traffic.

. . . Increase Your Sales 500 million percent in 30 days or less!

We’ve all heard that before. Or am I the only one?

In fact, you may be wondering the same thing about this!

How many pitches have you heard? How many people have contacted you on LinkedIn, or Facebook, or Twitter, or how many emails have you received soliciting you to buy their thing?

And how have they worked for you?

How much money have you blown?

My typical consulting client has blown $26,000 on the low end, some as much as 7-figures on marketing consultants and agencies promising the moon and instead delivering garbage.

You see, you are being pandered to.

People are pitching you things that may or may not work for your situation. Many consultants and agencies have never had experience selling anything for any period of time, and are armed with nice theories.

If you’re sitting around a cozy fire pontificating while sipping brandy in your smoking jacket, then theories are great. If you’re in the trenches, actually out there making things happen, and your gun jams, then you want battle-hardened, tried and true, real world, almost navy-seal like experience on your side.

I’m here to tell you there’s a much simpler method. A much simpler way to get business where you don’t need to be up-to-date on everything.

But I Need to Be Up-To-Date on All these Technologies to Keep Up or I’ll Be Missing Something

This is just not true. It’s an outright lie.

I can teach you what you need to know and show you how to get any “hot new” technology to work in minutes. No experience necessary.

  • A client runs his first ad on a platform he’s never been on and has no idea how it works, and yet converts 16.7% of his cold traffic into closed business at a cost of $20 per customer – this was on his very first ad ever. Oh, and it took 15-minutes for him to do this.
  • Another client, with no Facebook advertising experience, runs his first campaign on a Friday, and closes $50k in new business the very next week. This was a brand new ad, to cold traffic, with no list, and ad cost was under $100.

How did 2 very different clients, in 2 very different markets, using new technologies that neither had ever used before – how did they have success in minutes when virtually everyone else struggles and falls short?

They Understand What Almost Nobody Else Does


Let me say that again, it’s not about traffic.

In the marketing world, almost every business owner is making a fatal assumption.

In the last two decades, I’ve been fortunate to work with hundreds of thought leaders and business owners in over one hundred different industries.

Not only have they allowed me to help them, I’ve also been able to see inside their operations and see all the things that they’ve done right, and all the things that didn’t quite pan out as they hoped. Every time I’ve worked with someone and helped them improve their businesses and become more profitable, I began to notice some very interesting things.

I’ve always been a curious person. I’ve always enjoyed understanding how, and why, things work. I guess that was a big reason why I started my career off as an Engineer and why it has evolved into Engineered Marketing that is significantly altering how people grow businesses. More on that later.

From having worked with so many businesses, I noticed something.

There is a difference between those that have had great success and those that flounder and are constantly living below their potential.

Have you ever wondered what the difference is? Why some get ahead, and others don’t?

It’s not luck.

It isn’t that they were smarter.

It’s not that they had a better website or traffic system, or knew the latest technology. While those do come into play, they are not the reason why.

It’s something much more subtle.

People are focused on traffic.

Yes, traffic is important, but it is not the place to start.

So where do you start?

The Solution:

. . . You start with your selling system.

Getting sales involves two things – lead generation, and lead conversion.

You get leads, and close leads.

That’s it.

And do that profitably, then you can grow your business to any level.

Now here’s the real secret to making this work.

The magic is in your lead conversion.

Lead conversion is really two things – warming leads, and closing leads.

So if we looked at the big picture, here’s what is needed:

  1. Get leads
  2. Meet those leads where they’re at and take them from cold, to warm, to hot
  3. Close those leads

Now you can do all this manually yourself, which if you have time, you can do. You can grow, but you will be limited by your time and your ability to not throw your computer out the window trying to have everything work the way it should.


You can have systems do all the hard work for you. Where you build systems, and then you have systems, or really what you have is this – you have a business that has replicated you, and you have a business that works for you.

Your business becomes a perpetual lead generation, warming, and closing machine. Make it as big or as small as you want.

If you want THAT, then you need to focus on these 3 things:

  1. Lead Generation System
  2. Lead Warming System
  3. Lead Closing System

That’s it.

Can you focus on those 3 things for the next 2 years?

If you can, you can own your niche and take your business to whatever level you want.

That thought will either excite you or you will roll your eyes.

If you don’t believe it, and are not open to the idea of owning your niche, then this is not for you.

If this excites you, then read on, because you should own your niche. Why shouldn’t you? You’ve got a better product, or service or solution then others, right? You deliver more value than they do, don’t you?

You care more about your clients than your competition does, and you do a better job.

In fact, you’re the best at what you do. You know it, everyone you’ve worked with knows it.

Yes, you’ve reached a level of success, and congratulations for all your hard work. You should be proud of what you’ve done.

But let me ask you:

Do you feel, or KNOW, there is so much more you CAN do? That there is another new level just waiting for you? That it is almost beckoning you to come and get it.

That there is an abundance of prospects wanting your service if only you can get in front of them?

Maybe you have an exit plan to sell, or transition out of your business in a few years? Maybe retirement is running towards you and you’ve only got a brief window of time to finally make things happen?

Do you want to scale, and I’m not talking about getting a few more leads per month, but really kicking some butt and taking things to a whole new level and making a boatload of money?

What If You Owned Your Niche and Your Sales Grew By 2x, 5x, 10x or 100x? How Much Would That Be Worth To You?

Let’s play with some numbers for a minute. Being conservative, if you were able to gain 25% increase in sales, if you were making $150,000, at a 25% increase, that’s an extra $37,500. If you were making $500,000, you would add $125,000. At $1 Million, that’s $250k. At $5 million, that’s $1.25 million MORE than what you’re making now. Even at the lowest level, this would more than pay for this program.

Now let’s have some fun . . . if you really applied what I teach, and you owned your niche, then the numbers would be much more. Let’s say you doubled, or tripled, or 10x’d your business. How much would that mean to you?

Now, let’s take things one step further.

Let’s simplify things.

What If You Could Own Your Niche, AND Work Less Hours In Your Business – How Would THAT Make You Feel?

If this is you, then this program was created just for you. This will be the most important program for you on the planet right now.

I Will Take You from Where You Are Now, and Take Your Marketing and Your Business to a Whole New Level. We Start with 12-Weeks. But We Will NOT Do It the Way People Are Typically Doing It Now

That’s right. We will do this very differently than anything else you’ve probably every experienced.

We will work on 3 things.

Not 300. Not 30,000.

But only 3.

We will work on:

  1. Lead Generation System
  2. Lead Warming System
  3. Lead Closing System

Taking colds to warm to hot to close

How Long Does It Take to Own Your Niche?

  • 3 Months to Build Your Foundation
  • The rest of the year to fine tune.
  • The next year to grow.
  • In 1 year you should see growth.
  • In 2 years you should own your niche

We will take the next 3 months to build your foundation.

We will meet weekly for 12-weeks, to build your foundational marketing systems. These will be hands-on video calls where we will go over some theory, but the majority of the time will be building and deploying live, real-life marketing campaigns.

I’m not going to accept everyone into this program, so if you’re interested, let’s continue the conversation in person. Fill out the form below and let’s have an initial chat to see if this is a good fit or not. If it is, you will be unbelievably excited.

Got this email from Ian Wilson on December 14, 2017:

This year was transformational. Sometime in the past couple of days, I reached my income target for 2017. Now onto the 2018 target, I’ve already passed what I did in the entire year for 2017 and am already at 42% of my goal for 2018 on pre-orders for the 2018 release. So my target for 2018 should be within reach.

Met my weight reduction target of 154 lbs. as well since we spoke last!

Gotta thank you again, can’t thank you enough times. I associate you with the turnaround.”