Tag Archive for: Scaled Growth

Can you see this illusion?

Look at the picture, can you see it spinning? It’s an illusion.

Much of marketing today is an illusion. It’s a façade.

Recently, in a private discussion, a client said:

My business has so much potential. I love what I do and what we bring to the market is incredible. But it’s gotten more competitive, it’s harder to get business. I know there’s lots I’m not doing, and should be doing. And I get hammered with so many calls and solicitations from marketing people, and quite frankly, I don’t know what to do. It seems like everyone is doing so well. I’ve done well, but I’m not where I should be, or where I want to be.

It’s like success is so close you can almost taste it. But the promises sent by all the marketers don’t pan out the way you were led to believe. And after a while, it gets old.

It reminds me of something my good friend and private client Michael Gerber said in his mega best-seller The E-Myth Revisited,

  • See the young woman baking pies
  • See the young woman start a business baking pies
  • See the young woman become an old woman.

Can you relate? Do you ever feel like that?

Set aside all the big money hype garbage that you read on the internet. You know the ones, “How I went from struggling to $500 million in 30 days, and how you can too!!!!” Easy peasy, right? (not sure if you picked up the sarcasm) :)

When you are alone with your thoughts, do you really believe that?

I mean, if it’s that easy, why doesn’t EVERYONE have huge success?

I’ve been fortunate to personally work with many business owners in over 100 different industries in the last 25 years, and all of them were struggling in some way or another. And they all deep down, feel like they’re missing the boat somewhere, like everyone else is sleeping soundly after sipping mai tai’s on the beach, while they’re up at 3am sweating over where the next deal is coming from.

Then they get up, put their happy face on, and tell themselves it’s not that bad.

It’s all a façade.

I know you’re determined to grow, but let me ask you, with all the articles you have read, all the YouTube videos you’ve watched, all the Facebook posts or campaigns, all the LinkedIn connections, all the social media, all the things you’ve done, what have you to show for it?

Is there a new level in your business that you know is out there just waiting for you, and do you have a plan that you have confidence in that will get you there?

If not, then you might want to read this article with the three questions most business owners are unable to answer.

Click here to continue reading: https://www.chrisgoegan.com/the-gap-between-floundering-and-feasting/

Blessings eh!

P.S. If you have a pressing need, and just want to get to growth, let’s talk, it’s on me. Email me or go here to request a conversation – https://www.chrisgoegan.com/Win